Village Community
What do Serenità Villagers want?
Click on a heading below to find out more!
Be Part of a Global Movement
You are not alone wanting to live in an Ecologically Sustainable Village!
This Network has over 10,000 villages in it’s registry.
So don’t think we are the first, some of this movement has been happening for 20+ years!
It may be as simple as the freedom to not have to bundle up in multiple layers to go outside in winter.
Or you are fed up with bosses demanding more and more of your time in order to reach profit goals, while you are stranded without a sense of value.
Or it maybe that the years of governmental control over your life, your employment, and even the words you use to address someone, has reached a point where you cannot handle it any more.
Well Serenita Village is no panacea, but I do believe that trust in a group of people of like minded compassion is the best way to address these sorts of issues.
Less Pressure
Things are slower in Belize.
That can be hard to adjust to, but in the end it is that very fact that takes the pressure off your day. No late nights working (unless you find it fun). Time to walk on the beach (all beaches are open in Belize, they cannot be owned)
A Lower Cost of Living
When I was first in Belize, I went to the local Corazal Town farmer’s market, and purchased 2 sweet pineapples for a dollar.
The low cost of labor in Belize means that you can afford to hire when you could not do so further north in America or in Europe.
Yes, there are significant taxes imposed on bringing cars and new items into Belize. but the land taxes for your block will be less than $100 a year!
Petrol is expensive, but weigh that against a block of land which is a mere fraction of the cost in first world countries. A tropical beach block would for me be unobtainable in Australia or Europe. You can get a lot of petrol for the difference in land alone!
They say you can live well in Belize for $1000 a month. Certainly that is a multiple times the income for most citizens of Belize! However you look at it, the overall cost of living is lower than in Costa Rica or Panama!
Single, wanting Community?
Our Village welcomes people who are looking for a new start on their own.
There are low cost strata title packages that allow a person to own a Casita (tiny house) close to others, but independent.
What about Kid's Education?
Children are welcome in the village.
It has been asked, “where would they go to school?” Here are some schools that are 10 minutes drive from Serenità Village:
Corozal Community College Associated with the University of Belize
Institute for Technical & Vocational Education & Training
Belize Adventist College (a little further away in Ranchito, Secondary and Primary)
Church of Christ Primary School
Plus, 3 government schools in the area.
Explore the coral reef, etc
So many things for your personal journey. You can meet with a Mayan shaman, sit on a mountain (but not in the snow), or travel down the coast with friends.
The photo is of the famous Belize “Blue Hole” on the reef.
Serenita Village Philosophy
What initated the village? An ongoing search by the founder over the last 30 years for a better way to live together in harmony.
If you want to understand the heart felt intentions behind Serenita Village, CLICK HERE.
Give, as you have been Given
Some people are able to be thankful for every day, and it shows in their smiles.
We don’t have to be rich or famous in order to be who we are!
Our individuality is in itself a gift, providing we are accepted for what we are. Not perfect, but able to love myself and accept compassion and care from others.
“community” is a group of people “who have learned how to communicate honestly with each other, whose relationships go
deeper than their masks of composure, and who have developed some significant commitment to ‘rejoice together, mourn together,’ and to delight in each other, and make others’ conditions our own.’ ”
A Vision Gallery